3 Steps to Check
Your Internal
Our internal narrative is the key to us living our life's purpose and providing help to others. But how do we know if our narrative is working for us or is it just supplying us with opportunities to repeat past mistakes? This three step process will start you on your way. Its designed to get you thinking and listening to your own words.
Each word evokes a thought or an image. Those are based on perspectives. Are your words and perspectives in alignment with who you are and who you want to be? Take the time to check.
Your self narrative is one of the most influential agents for positive change in your life. If you’re struggling, if you find you’re worried a lot, if you need a solution to make your next move in life, let's look at the words in your internal dialog.
Superheroes have a strong draw on many people, and not only because they are exciting and cool, but also because a lot of them face complex struggles. No matter if you fight evil mutants, or yourself, we all struggle in real life. Everyone can learn from superheroes, let's identify your super hero
Over the course of a day, we use a lot of words. But how often do we step back to reflect on the consequences of the words we use? In this series you'll learn the difference between negative and postive impact words.
Kim I. Plyler, is the CEO of a creative communications and public relations firm, an author and certified Optimize Life Coach. As a public speaker and creator of the “Master Your Story, It Matters!” programming, Kim uses her platform to encourage individuals and brands to find their story and to share those stories. She has traveled the world and learned just how important stories are to our culture. She has the perfect mix of empathy, humor, self-humility and compassion. Her ability to coach and find the best angles results in an uplifting, motivating and compassionate experience. She empowers you to find your inner story and reach greater heights.
For more information on the entire Master Your Story Program sign up for our podcast and mailing list at KimIPlyler.com. To book Kim Plyler reach out to Info@sahlComm.com.